Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Big News!

Well everybody, the wait is finally over! Today we had our big ultrasound! It already feels like I have been pregnant forever, and I am just barely half way done now. This baby has a totally different personality than Addie, that's for sure. The tech had a really hard time getting a good look at the face and finding out the sex. He had to keep poking and proding the baby to get it to move and then finally it did! I know the suspense is killing you all by now, so should I just tell you what it is already? Ok here goes...


We are so excited! We would have been happy with a boy too. I had so much anxiety built up because I just couldn't tell what it would be. When I was pregnant with Addie I knew the whole time she would be a girl, I just had the strongest feeling about it. But this time around I felt really confused. I am just glad I finally know! Plus the tech said that she looks great and has a;; her fingers and toes and is perfect. He estimates her wieght to be about 10 oz right now. Isn't that tiny?

We bought Addie a pink baby that came with a little crib. She didn't really care that we were telling her she would have a baby sister, she just cared that she got a new baby toy to play with! Addie is going to be such a good big sister! Now she can pass all her girly wisdom on to her baby sister! Now that hard part is waiting the long time to get this cute girl here! And at least we don't have to fight about names! We were lucky enough with Addie that we both liked her name and the same for our little Berlin that is on her way. Boys names are a whole other story!

Well, that's all for now folks! I'll post pictures later, the news was just to exciting to hold back!