So, to make a long story short, (notice I am skipping the part where I got really mad and cried for hours because I thought he got the internship that I didn't want him to get) Tom goes down to Salt Lake for this interview and they asked him if he applied for more than one internship with the company. He said yes and they said Oh never mind we don't need to interview you then because you already got the Flight Ops internship! How crazy is that! It happened to be the internship that we wanted him to get because it worked with our schedules better and he would get more experience in the flight area than adminstration. Anywho, we get flight benefits til May which is great, and we have many plans to travel til my pregoness won't let me anymore.
Tom has already had so much fun with this internship! Just last week he got to Montreal to pick up a RJ700! How cool is that!! I would dish all the details of his trip but that would take like a day and a half!
We had been saying we wanted to move Addie into a big girl bed before Christmas. Then one night a couple weeks before Christmas, Addie decided herself she was ready for a bed by using her crib as a jungle gym! She has transitioned really well and only got out a couple times the first night! She is actually a lot more willing to go to bed at night now that she is in her own bed.
Last but not least, has been my growing belly. I am now 27 1/2 weeks pregnant! Just so you all know, I will never post a picture of my huge fatness. I can't bear to have any pictorial evidence of how large and whalish I become during pregnancy. I honostly believe my mom when she told me that every pregnancy is different. Although I am having another girl, this pregnancy is so much different than Addie. I was so mellow and happy and comfortable when I was prego with Addie. This time around I am much more needy, whiny, and uncomfortable. I feel like my husband thinks I am the craziest, most hormonal pregnant lady on earth. But he sure treats great none the less. But I just can't wait til April when this cute girl will come home to us! I am super excited by the way, because next week we get to have an ultrasound and see our cute baby's face again! YAY!