So I am almost a week late posting this but I feel like I have good reason to be a slacker right now. I would like to intoduce to you all Berlin Ann Davis. Born April 13, 2010 at 4:07 pm she weighed in at 6lb 6oz and 19 in long! And boy is she a cutie! We are all absolutely in love with her! Addie is already such a good big sister to her. I was so worried about how Addie would react but so far I have had nothing to worry about. The first thing she said when she saw her was "My baby!" and she nearly lept out of my mom's arms to try to get to her. So here are some photos of Berlin's entrance into this world.

This is right afte she was born. I know not the prettiest picture of either of us, but it was one of the most wonderful moments of my life.

Getting cleaned off.

She had a rough little bit at the first and needed oxygen, so this is when she finally was settled down.

You can't tell very well, but she has three blonde spots in her hair. It looks like she got her hair highlighted while in my belly.

Big sis is always so happy to hold her baby sister. She never wants anyone to hold her unless she gets to help.
All dressed and ready to go home. This is where our adventure begins. So far so good but I know everything won't always be perfect. I just know I love my two little girls with all my heart, and can't wait to watch them grow up together!