We got to bless Berlin on June 13th, the same day she turned 2 months. It was such a fun and special day. I got the grand idea that I would make all the food for our family party by myself. Usually when I get an idea like this in my head, it ends up in disaster but this time everything worked out great! I spent all of saturday preparing yummy yummy Costa Vida style mexican food and rootbeer float cupcakes that would later be devoured by our loving family! On Sunday, we were blessed to have all of our family,including Tom's sister Melisa and her family come from Victor, Idaho to support us as we blessed Berlin. I was so excited that they came I was all teary even before Sacrament Meeting started. The only ones not there were my sister and her husband who live in Texas, but we sure missed them!Tom gave Berlin an amazing and beautiful blessing! I am so grateful for his worthiness to hold the Priesthood, that he could be inspired to bless her with such amazing things!
It's funny how worried I was about every detail about what Berlin was wearing, and that she look perfect for her blessing because then the blessing was over in a matter of minutes. And I am the only one that probably noticed or cared about her little bracelet or the fact that she was wearing ruffled tights instead of ruffled socks. But oh well, I am just an OCD mom and everything turned out perfect anyway.

Doesn't she look so gorgeous in her little dress!

She has the cutest chuby cheeked smile! This isn't even the biggest smile she'll give ya. She is such a happy mellow little baby. I just love having her around. And she has the cutest little laugh she does when she is super excited!

I took Berlin to the doctor yesterday for her 2 month visit. I was pleasantly surprised, I thought she would weigh upwards of 12 pounds because she has been getting chunky really fast but she weighed 10lb 13oz and is 22 in long. Not bad! Addie weighed 10lb and oz at Berlin's age so she's not that chubby. But I love that she has cute rolls and big cheekies to smooch on all day long! The poor thing had to get 3 shots so the whole time she was awake yesterday, she would just cry and cry. I felt so bad for her. She is just a treat to be around, and Addie still loves her just as much as ever! Poor little Addie Bug did have a rough go for a while, I think she thought I had replaced her, but she is doing lots better now. I try to spend some time with just her everyday and we do mommy daughter dates every week. And PS she is being potty trained! WOOHOO! I plan on doing a post on just Addie Bug because she has been growing up and learning lots of new things! Well that's all so stay tuned til next time folks!
oh ingrid! she is just the cutest little thing i have EVER seen! i think she looks quite a bit like addie in these pics. she is adorable. i hope you're having a wonderful time staying home with them! but i will be excited to see you back at the good old hospital one of these days :) have fun taking care of your adorable little fam!
She is adorable Ingrid! I can't believe you tackled all the food on your own for her blessing. Wow! you'll have to tell me how you did that sometime. Hope you're loving your time at home.
Ingrid she is a DOLL!!! I can't wait to see you!
Her chubby cheeks are so cute!
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