The other night we had a spaghetti dinner at my brother's house. Addie of course was the life of the party. At first she was a good girl while she ate her spaghetti but then she started throwing it every where. And of course my family egged her on by laughing at her. By the time we got done with dinner and all cleaned up she was naked (she still had her diaper on) and running all over the house!

My cute family posing with all the delicious food!

Addie eating her spaghetti.

Addie laughing because everyone else was laughing at her.
Addie clapping because everyone else was cheering her on.
I wish I could throw spaghetti around like that and be considered "cute"! She is seriously so cute. I love to see pictures of her growing up. We hope you guys are doing well! Come up to Portland and visit sometime.
I am so glad you guys found us! addie looks adorable - she is growing up so fast! glad to hear you guys are doing well - keep in touch!
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